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Showing posts from March, 2019


For this last quarter with every groups who prepared for our lessons and reports. I have learned and reminince some lessons way back grade 8 about Photoshop its parts and the tools used in editing and making new design. Its a very helpful thing because it will help us in the near future.

My Dream, My Future.

                Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. Being successful is full of trial and errors. You cant find it that easily because it something you work hard for.                  As this young age of mine , my plan is to first take the path of my lolas' they are all into business and in all hope I know they will help me to be  a successful one like them. I planned to take Business Management at SLU if I will have the chance to study there. Once Ive graduated , I will be chasing people to help me stand like them, and I know they will. I want my future to be a successful and a hapoy go lucky life. Studying and working hard will all be worth it. Cause God h

117th High School Day Celebration

                                                                                                      As a yearly celebration in our school. We celebrate our High School day with a lot of fun and excitement. Many preparation for a very good to happen during the day. Parents and alumni of the our school also came to watch the events in our school. Thousands of students take efforts to this celebrations. An overwhelming happiness happened as we all take efforts to build this day.                                                      As a start all the thousand students parade with there costumes. The parade happened around Vigan. Walking with all joy as they proudly shows what students are in ISNHS are, very joyful and humble students. As the parade ends, The alumni of our school talk about the experiences and what he is now. A proud student of ISNHS knows to look back where he all came from. A field demo , it's the very highlight of the day. All grade levels seperation of


                                                         The old and the new in Ilocano culture are both featured in this year’s Kannawidan Ylocos Festival -  the festival of Ilocos Sur that celebrates its being a separate province and its being a treasure chest of traditions and culture.                                Held in the Heritage City of Vigan from January 28 to February 17,  the festival opened with the residents’ expression of gratitude to the blessings of God on January 28.  Government workers from national and local offices, public officials and members of non-government-organizations united in the Holy Mass concelebrated at Saint Paul Cathedral in this city and the procession afterwards. As people of faith in the Christian world, Ilocanos are gathered in their religious events on special feast days of patron saints.                              To  show this deeply-rooted culture of the people of Ilocos Sur, 40 icons of the Catholic Saints were part of the pr


                                                                       As a young atudent we have a lot of things that need to be change. From our way of living, communicating, study habits and on how we treat ourselves. Changing start on you , how can you change something for instance if you yourself cant change your bad sides.As life grows we tend to change. A good and a bad change happen to us because of the things that we met through the days we spent. Problems and challenges changed us.                             Changing yourself to be more prominent and attentive in life. Find more motivations to live your life . Starting to find some happiness to make you motivated. Have the discipline in you, it's a very important thing to have in you. Be a good role model. Don't wait for the others. Be a a good influencer .                                             Changing for the betterment always starts in you. Think all the things that you need to change in yourself

New Year, New Me

                                                  January 1st the first day that our year starts.We tend to celebrate our day to welcome a very wonderful year for us. We have fireworks displays, our noche buena, and many more things we do to make noise as we celebrate the year.New year is we all about changing all the bad sides , changing for the better. Its a new start, and new chance to change what should be change in you. We should be thankful to Him ,that he haha given us another year a , we should all be grateful for he will give us more blessings for the coming days.                                       New year, we all think about the majority of the flaws that we have. Flaws that we know have caused us a great damage in our life. As a new start we want the toxicity in our life to be thrown away and never again will happen. As a very good start as we change the things we want to be change it will always start in you. Change for the better , have the positive vibe